What is the OCGOP Central Committee?

  • What is the OCGOP “Central Committee?”
    • The Republican Party Central Committee is the official and legal governing body of the Republican Party in Orange County, California. It makes the official endorsement of the Republican Party for candidates running in Orange County. It provides money and resources to candidates it supports.
  • Who makes up the OCGOP Central Committee?
    • The Committee is composed of 54 elected members, six for each of the nine Assembly Districts in or partially in Orange County, and twenty-some “Ex Officio” members who were the highest Republican vote-getters in the most recent partisan elections (Congress, State Legislature, State Officers). They elect an Executive Committee which establishes working committees composed of members.
  • Who Cares?
    • You care. We have a two-party system, and conservative patriots need a functioning conservative patriot party to compete.  Present Party leadership is driving the Party into a ditch.  Consider:
  • How do we fix this?
    • We must elect new members in the March 2024 Primary election who are committed to the necessary reforms, including a change from an “insiders club” to a broad based party able to compete with the Democrats, and boldly standing for our platform and principles rather than being “Democrat-Lite.”
    • This site exists to identify and support just such candidates.
    • This only happens every 4 years. If we miss 2024, our next opportunity will be in 2028!
    • See who to vote for on our Assembly Districts page.
  • Voting
    • You must be registered as a Republican to vote for Central Committee members.
    • Even though you can vote for six members, only vote for our recommended candidates. Any additional votes you makes dilutes the votes for our reform candidates.
  • How to help
  • Links